Q: How do I know my house is haunted?

A: There are different signs that can indicate that your house is haunted.
Of course any of these can be caused by other reasons. Before you declare your house haunted make sure that you rule out any possible rational explanation for these signs. Some of these can be caused by an electrical fault, hallucinations due to drugs or the like, exhaustion,mental distress, an onset of mental illness,a very overactive imagination due to someone alerting you to the haunted nature of the house, a family of possums, rats or other creatures, a cat that takes a liking to your roof cavity, pigeons on the roof and many many more. Below is a guide only and these (depending the length, nature and severity of hauntings) can be different to each individual experiencing it.
All these signs can be observed or felt without any instruments.

Common evidence:
  • Auditory: Hearing of strange noises from afar, rustling, phantom footsteps, soft music etc.
  • Psychic alert: The feeling of being watched, or not being alone, of being followed, the strange feeling of someone sharing your bed etc. There are also individuals who can be physically sensitive to a paranormal presence. At the Fremantle prison in WA (now can be toured as a museum strictly with guides) many babies "throw up" or start crying while tagging along as their parents visit the place. Or one of us for example has the lil "gift" of having a cold chill climbing up the passage of the nose, and the tightening of the base of the nose just between the two eyebrows. From experience we learned that is not always the indication of a very friendly presence.)
  • Strange animal behavior: Cats are especially sensitive to energies and in haunted locations observed to be avoiding a certain place or other times staring or hissing at it. Dogs may bark or growl at an"invisible intruder" and at times horses refuse to enter at locations.
  • Dreams :Reoccurring dreams or vivid dreams with sometimes a peculiar smell accompanying it.
  • Mild Psycho kinetic Phenomena : Doors or cabinets or draws opening and closing without any physical reason
  • "Borrowing" Phenomena: items that you are sure you left at one location cannot be found then "reappearing", or being placed at different locations
  • Mild olfactory Phenomena: A certain stubborn smell peculiar to a location that does not want to go away or a smell of something alien to your household faintly appearing then disappearing
  • Mild tactile: Feelings of being faintly touched, "brushed by", a breeze without no reason, certain "cold spots" in the house where temperature drops slightly at times.
  • Visual: Seeing faint shadows from the corner of your eye moving around
  • Electrical disturbance: Often light globes blowing or light flickering, or electrical items malfunctioning, computer monitors crackling or slightly flickering.
  • Psychological: without any reason you at times feel depressed or acting out of character though there is no distress or reason behind it. These feelings usually occur at times some other phenomena present.

Stronger evidence:
  • Severe Auditory :Unexplainable thumps, knocks and strong determined footsteps, cries, hearing doors slam, people talking, giggles, music, or (this one gives anyone the goosebumps) someone calling your name
  • Severe Psycho kinetic Phenomena :Actually seeing doors closing and/or opening, curtains moving though there is no window open,items shaking, etc. electrical gadgets eg. toys starting to run or operate, television or radio turning on on their own lights seen being turned on and off
  • Severe Tactile phenomena: Actual feeling of being touched or held, pushed or in most severe cases assaulted, the feeling of a severe temperature drop often with visible exhaled breath
  • Severe Psycho kinetic phenomena: Doors slam violently, furniture or dishes move around, levitating items, writings or marks appearing on walls or surfaces, footprints appearing
  • Severe olfactory Phenomena: A definite alien smell to you or to the area, eg. a perfume that noone you know uses yet it appears at the time any of the other phenomena occurs, other smell can also be of tobacco smoke, decay, coffee, a severe BO that was an unpleasant "mark " of a passed away person, smoke, burning material, and the possibilities are almost limitless.
  • Visual : Fog appearing and moving around, a ghostly shade or shadow appearing and often moving, orbs or lights seen "dancing around" without any other light source, a hazy shape of a person seen, or a full blown apparition of a person or animal appearing that can at times resemble a flesh and blood individual.
  • Witnesses:Any of the above events have been witnessed by a "skeptic" or a child claims to have seen someone or even communicated with someone in the house without you disclosing any of your experiences or feelings regarding the events. Even more chilling is the time when they actually point at the location while you experience any of these phenomena.
  • Severe Psychological: Acting out of character or angry or devastated as if taking on the mood or distress of the person responsible for the haunting. The strange and sometimes frightening feeling of selecting people such as visitors to the house or residents or worse, family members who you think should not be around as the "house would not like their presence" and acting distant, suspicious or even hostile towards them.In severe cases this feeling can be backed up by certain hostile events happening around them only as if trying to "chase them away". Sadly at this point it is possible that some Psycho kinetic events are happening when you are around and it can be devastating both to you and to loved ones to think that you act as an "extension" of the haunting or the house and that your anger or bad mood can cause things moving around.Constant fear or onset of more severe depression. The strong feeling that despite you are a "person of reason" you meant to "guard" the house. The strange acquiring of some psychic abilities or skills that you did not possess before events started. The strong feeling of being "drained" at times or waking up exhausted. The feeling that you are being "abandoned" by people who would not understand these events taking place.
At this point I would like to reassure you that it is NEVER too late to ask for help and that some of the events described here are not that common. Yet I am sure that if you go through some of these severe psychological effects you are not the only one experiencing them. Most hauntings are harmless recordings of energies played back to us and if we believe in ghosts then we should know the approximate "dead to living ratio" and of course the dead is always greater. Most of us can live or have been living unknowingly in harmony with the paranormal and this guide is only an example of events from the mildest to the most extreme.