The most important thing is your senses. Smell, sight, touch, hearing and your instincts. There is no real experience without your own personal observations. Some of us are more sensitive than others.
Below is a list of equipment we use and also some optional gadgets.
- Notebook
- Flashlight
- Watch
- Blacklight
- Infrared flashlight
- Night vision binoculars
- Spirit wind chime "ghost catcher"
- Small wind chimes
- Talcum powder
Ummm... these starting around A$12000 so we cannot say we have the luxury of having one but if you are deadly serious about ghost hunting (no punt intended) this is a gadget to behold. Practically this little toy can enable you to see the cold and hot spots that your thermometer indicates. This can also be used in search and rescue.
The best available on the market is a non contact IR thermometer with memory, alarm and a laser pointer. Originally an engineering tool these clever gadgets can measure temperatures between -20 and 500 degrees from a safe distance. You point the laser where you want the reading from and it enables you to save the data. It alerts you when the temperature changes.
- Hydrometer
- EMF meter (Gauss meter)

An instrument to measure electro magnetic field, the type of energy accompanies paranormal activity. EMF is usually present when temperature drop is detected in the location observed and most commonly before or during manifestation. The reason for the temperature drop is the ghost's or spirit's need for energy that is now taken from the atmosphere.So instead of energy producing or keeping up heat around us it is "feeding" a haunting.
The best product to use is a "tri-field meter" that can also indicate other sources of EMF such us a leaking microwave oven or a computer monitor and narrowing the causes.
Of course a simple Gauss meter can be used accurately if you learn to identify or avoid other sources of EMF for example power lines, working mobile phones nearby, close proximity of other electrical equipment etc. We recommend to practice by taking readings near these other sources at the scene of investigation and see under neutral conditions what distance you have to keep without your reading being affected.
Below is a table of different Gauss readings as recorded in the US in 1997. This serves as an indication only about how other equipment can affect a reading.
MILLIGAUSS (mG) at 1 foot at 3 feet
Aquarium pump 0.35-18.21 0.01-1.17
Band saw 0.51-14.24 0.05-0.75
Can opener 7.19-163.02 1.30-6.44
Clock 0.34-13.18 0.03-0.68
Clothes iron 1.66-2.93 0.25-0.37
Coffee machine 0.09-7.30 0-0.61
Computer monitor 0.20-134.7 0.01-9.37
Copier 0.05-18.38 0-2.39
Desktop light 32.81 1.21
Dishwasher 4.98-8.91 0.84-1.63
Drill press 0.21-33.33 0.03-8.35
Fax machine 0.16 0.03
Food processor 6.19 0.35
Garbage disposal 2.72-7.79 0.19-1.51
Microwave oven 0.59-54.33 0.11-4.66
Mixer 0.49-41.21 0.09-3.93
Portable heater 0.11-19.60 0-1.38
Printer 0.74-43.11 0.18-2.45
Portable fan 0.04-85.64 0.03-3.12
Radio 0.43-4.07 0.03-0.98
range 0.60-35.93 0.05-2.83
Refrigerator 0.12-2.99 0.01-0.60
Scanner 2.18-26.91 0.09-3.48
Sewing machine 3.79-7.70 0.35-0.45
Tape player 0.13-6.01 0.01-1.66
Television 1.80-12.99 0.07-1.11
Toaster 0.29-4.63 0.01-0.47
Vacuum cleaner 7.06-22.62 0.51-1.28
VCR 0.19-4.63 0.01-0.41
Vending machine 0.46-5.05 0.02-0.59
- Voice activated digital voice recorder
We also use the voice recorder sometimes when collecting folklore and interviewing locals. There are so many things you might find interesting later when listening to these but did not catch your attention at the time. We use a digital recorder that is USB compatible so we can transfer files from it onto the computer for analysis or storage.
- EVP software
- Digital camera
- Laptop computer
- Night vision digital camera
- Motion detect wireless IR night vision camera with recorder and receiver
- Compass
- Protection
First of all we stay away if we feel vulnerable, sick, uneasy or scared (yep.. don't be surprised, sometimes fear is a healthy thing)
No matter how invincible you may feel you have to have something other than a car fueled and in a getaway position to back you up mentally and spiritually. I suggest you do a little research on this subject but personally in our travel we keep an amethyst, the cross, Christian literature(eg Bible or Roman Rituals) and old folk wisdom reference, smudge sticks and a good spirit with us.
We never take with us pictures of loved ones, untrained "bystanders", drugs or pregnant ladies, the sick or the very skeptic.We do not wear strong perfume if any at all, do not wear jewelery unless they are stones or significant to us. We do not eat or drink alcohol on location while investigating but trying to blend in as much as possible.